Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009

Thinking What can not be Thought

Tried to think of something
That the answer is "i don't know"
But it keeps bothering me
And i can not tell anyone about it

How would you tell if you don't know what to tell
How would you ask if you don't know what to ask
What are you thinking if you are not sober
What are you doing if you can not do anything

Still trying to think
And there still no answer
There's something on my mind
And i can't figure out

When was it started
Where is the answer
When it will come out
How it will be ended

Not doing what i'm thinking
Doing what can not be thought
Is it Me ?

Senin, 28 September 2009

From The Last Princess

The life of a man, burns like a raging fire
The life of a firefly, as short as its glow
Ponder and you will see. The world is dark and filled with suffering
Life is nothing but a dream. What matters is how we live it


Dalam sunyi ku bernyanyi...
Menghibur diri yang bersembunyi...
Dalam sepi ku menari...
Mengangkat diri yang menyadari...

Dalam gelap ku membuka mata...
Melihat diri yang tertutupi...
Dalam batas ku meminta...
Mengharapkan diri yang menepi...

Saat pagi melihat matahari...
Ku hanya mau menggerakkan jemari...
Melihat mentari di sore hari...
Terlewat hal menarik selama satu hari...

Aku coba mencari...
Kesalahan yang terjadi kini...
Dan haruz kusadari...
Semua kekurangan ini...

Semua yang telah dijalani...
Menjadi pandangan pencerminan diri...
Ku haruz beranikan diri...
Karna hanya satu yang bisa mengubah semua ini...

Aku sendiri...
Menyadari kelemahan hati ini...
Aku berdiri...
Melawan diri sendiri...

Senin, 20 Juli 2009

Bersikap Biasa Saja

Jangan merendahkan orang lain
Bila berada di bawah, jangan iri
Bila berada di atas, jangan sombong

Selasa, 30 Juni 2009

Lakukan saja

suatu hal terjadi memiliki sebab dan akibat nya
suatu hal juga memiliki suatu alasan
tapi aku hanya ingin bebas
tanpa peduli sebab dan akibat
tanpa perlu alasan untuk melakukan sesuatu
melangkah sesuai kehendak hati
berjalan di jalan yg kuyakini
sehingga tidak ada penyesalan

Don't Regret

even if it didn't work out, at least you did something
that you believed it was right
do whatever you want
don't let yourself have regret

serial Wushu

Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

Angel inside Demon Form or Demon inside Angel Form

Trying to face the world with the kindness and cruelness
doing something right or something wrong
good for you or good for others
gives some you have or take others have

look good in front of people
to do something bad
look bad in front of people
to do something good

people think it's good
but it's a lie
people think it's bad
but it's for them

Angel inside Demon Form or Demon inside Angel Form ?

Jumat, 12 Juni 2009

VGA dan PSU yg mau di beli

kayanya gw mau beli :

VGA GeCube HD4770, http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/video/display/radeon-hd4770.html
PSU Blue Storm II 500, http://www.fsplifestyle.com/en/booster_a.asp?pro_catId=8&categoryId=1&productId=17

mudha2an psu nya sama listrik rumah cukup... hehehe

Kamis, 28 Mei 2009

Confusing Quotes

To say of what is that it is not,
or of what is not that it is, is false,
while to say of what is that it is,
and of what is not that it is not, is true.


“A perfection of means, and confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem.”

Albert Einstein

“If you cannot convince them, confuse them.”

Harry s Truman

“If confusion is the first step to knowledge, I must be a genius”

Larry Leissner

Jumat, 22 Mei 2009

Prinsip Samudra

semua bakal bertahan hidup
prinsip cuma satu
kalo kagak bisa ngejer ya udha
kalo gak bisa lari... jalan juga kagak napa
pelan juga gak kenapa
yg penting kita kagak berhenti ato diam di tempat

Samudra di Cinlok


in wushu
winning ot losing is meaningless
in the end
the only person you need to defeat is yourself

even though you are not fighting anyone
those of you who chose wushu
will also have chosen your life's opponent
each time you compete
you must better last performance

Wushu Movie

Selasa, 12 Mei 2009


What's Runner ?

an athlete that run through the other to be the winner...
someone always run...
a person defeat time...
someone fast...

a person that have problems and running away...
someone always run...
a person that's defeated...
and then quit...

trying to be a runner...
even though that you are not really fast...
try to learn...
even though that you are not the best...
do what you can...
don't quit...

at least that's what i think

Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

Jadwal Libur yang Membosankan

Bulan Mei 2009
gw dapet jadwal kerja night shift dari jam 11 malem sampe jam 7 page besok nya
waktu libur nya kebagian di hari rabu sama hari kamis

sejak beberapa hari ini, kerja malem truz pagi nya tidur sampe malem lage
gak bisa kemana2, gak bisa ngapa2in
pas libur nya juga begitu
akhirnya libur cuma buat tidur... sial

biasanya gw gak bisa tidur gini kale siang... truz pala gw juga sakit mungkin karena kebanyakan tidur nya...

Hari biasa yg biasanya pada jalan juga gak ada yg jalan...
katanya ada jalan senin kemaren tapi gak ikutan... sial

sial sial sial... bosan bosan bosan...

Gigi - Anugrah Dari Cinta

Cerita di lembaran hidupku
Menjadi indah karna kehadiranmu
Pesona semua hal tentang dirimu
Membuat ku s’lalu percaya akan arti cinta

Tangisan pertamamu sebuah anugrah untukku
Senyuman pertamamu bahagia selamanya

Pagimu pagiku kan seperti warna di hatimu
Malammu malamku kan kujaga slalu dipelukku
Lahirmu lahirku kan menjadi satu di hidupku
S’galanya untuk dirimu

Terindah semua yang terindah
Untukmu s’lalu kujaga pasti kujaga

Belaian pertamamu kebahagiaan untuk diriku
Kecewa pertamamu tenang saja ku disini

Pagimu pagiku kan seperti warna di hatimu
Malammu malamku kan kujaga slalu dipelukku
Lahirmu lahirku kan menjadi satu di hidupku
S’galanya untuk dirimu

Tangisan pertamamu sebuah anugrah untukku
Senyuman pertamamu bahagia selamanya
Belaian pertamamu kebahagiaan untuk diriku
Kecewa pertamamu tenang saja ku disini

Pagimu pagiku kan seperti warna di hatimu
Malammu malamku kan kujaga slalu dipelukku
Lahirmu lahirku kan menjadi satu di hidupku
S’galanya untuk dirimu

Selasa, 21 April 2009


Aku memiliki beberapa keinginan

Aku ingin menjadi seorang atlet karena aku menyukai olahraga
Aku ingin menjadi guru karena aku ingin mengajarkan sesuatu dan karena ingin seperti Onizuka
Aku ingin menjadi pilot karena ingin terbang kemana-mana
Aku ingin menjadi artis/aktor karena aku ingin terkenal
Aku ingin menjadi programmer karena aku lulusan IT

Aku ingin mendirikan sekolah karena aku menyukai sekolah
Aku ingin mendirikian panti asuhan karena ingin membantu anak-anak jalanan
Aku ingin semua orang baik sukses
Aku ingin membuat negeri ini lebih baik

Aku ingin kebebasan
Aku ingin kebaikan
Aku haruz melakukan yang terbaik
Aku lakukan apa yang aku bisa

Selasa, 14 April 2009

Rafting 10-11 April 2009 at Ciberang

Acara rafting di sungai Ciberang

Berangkat dari Jakarta sekitar 2.30pm naek mobil Adhi bareng Adhi Mita Abel.
Sampe di kamp sekitar jam 6.30pm.
Disana ada Pak Afdar, Didi (Wanadri), anak2 laen selain anggota Palabz, Pak Eri plus anaknya, Dani.

Dateng2 pada kelaparan... ternyata emang pas waktu nya makan...
makananya pedas banget... gw gak tahan... sial... tapi gara2 laper banget truz gak ada makanan laen ya udah... gw makan aja dikt...

Selse makan, ada acara api unggun... yah ngomong2 truz gak jelaz gitu...
tiba2 maen truth or dare... gak tertarik gw ikutan maen nya...
di sini gw liat langit aja... sadiz langit nya... udah lama gak liat langit kaya gitu...

Gw ke saung yg di pojok maen gitar, ada Iman(angk 4 ato 5 gitu) dan Armal... eh ada anak2 kecil dari kampung situ pada dateng liatin...
ngobrol sama mereka... rata2 kelaz 6, ada juga yg kelaz 4, ada juga yg gak sekolah...
mereka ajakin maen gaplek... tapi mereka sering kalah... hehehe

tiba2 gw di panggil Adhi ke saung sebelah... di situ pada maen kartu chapsa...
gw gak ikutan... liatin doank...

truz gw ke api unggun lage... ada yg maen kartu bertiga... ya gw ikutan aja...
mereka ngerti nya 41... ya udha maen 41 aja... truz Putri sama Melati dateng... Melati liatin doank, Putri ikutan maen... jadi maen ber 5... karena ujan dikit... jadi maen nya pindah ke saung... truz maen 51 ber5 (Putri ilang, di ganti Melati) truz jadi ber6 Fitri ikutan... maen sampe sekitar jam 1an...

gw coba ke tenda... buat tidur... gak bisa tidur juga... sekitar jam 2.30an keluar tenda... Abel ikutan keluar gara2 gak bisa tidur juga... bermain dengan api unggun menghangatkan badan...
Pak Afdar pindah tidur nya dari di saung yg ujung ke deket api unggun...
truz gw ke saung ujung itu... ada bantal enak... ya udha gw coba tidur situ... truz Adhi Abel Dinda Fitri dateng bikin ribut... gak tidur juga jadinya...
sekitar 3.30 pada pindah lage... gw sama Abel ke mobil... Adhi ke api unggun...
akhir nya tidur di mobil jam 4an...

pagi2 bangun jam 6an.. makan nasi goreng... truz siap2 rafting... jam 8an di suruh kumpul... di jelazin tentang rafting... sampe jam 9an akhir nya pake alat2 rafting... turun ke bawah ke perahu...

1 perahu ber 7... skipper, gw, Adhi, Mita, Abel, Dinda, Garini...
berangkat... dayung di perahu cuma ada 6... jadi salah satu gak ikutan dayung...
hampir setiap jeram berenti dulu... siap2 foto... perahu tukang foto nya di suruh duluan...

sesudah beberapa jeram... ada t4 agak tenang... total 6 perahu berenti buat foto2 istirahat sejenak... di sini Mita sama Garini hampir hanyut karena maen nya ke jauhan... sampe skipper nya yg jemput...

setelah itu... berangkat lage... ada jeram yg sebelah sana nya gak keliatan... tinggi nya sekitar 50cm sampe 1 meter... lumayan sadiz juga... di jeram setelah ini ada perahu yg kebalik... penumpang nya pada di ungsikan... perahu laen nya di suruh lewat jalur samping nya...

beberapa setelah nya para pengungsi balik lage ke perahu asli nya...
melewati beberapa jeram selanjut nya.. dan sampe di t4 terakhir...
di t4 terakhir kami bantu mengangkat perahu ke atas ke jalanan...
di situ ada tronton udah nunggu buat jemput balik ke kamp...

setelah perahu di kosongkan angin nya... semua nya naek ke tronton... penuh banget jadinya...
sampe di kamp sekitar 12.30an... pada makan mandi ganti baju... istirahat...
gw gak ikutan makan... jadi cuma minum minum dan minum... sekitar 4-5 air kelapa... air putih... milo... apa lage ya...

sekitar jam 3pm akhir nya berangkat pulang...
di mobil... pada tepar semua... Adhi nyetir... Mita udah langsung tidur...
sampe di sekitar lewat Leuwiliang... Mita yg nyetir... Adhi sama Abel tidur...
Iman sms balik jam berapa...
Iman lagi di rmh sakit gandaria...
akhir nya ke sekolah dulu...
Iman dateng dan kita pergi lage...
pergi cari makan... truz selse makan anterin Mita balik... abiz itu pergi jemput Putri... nonton Fast and Furious 4 di Plaza Indonesia... selse nonton makan lage di bakti...
setelah itu pulang ke rmh masing2...

note : - I am not a story teller...
- Keseruanya itu dirasakan bukan di ceritakan...

Rabu, 08 April 2009


"With great power there must come great responsibility" by Ben Parker in Spiderman

"To whom much is given, much is required." by John F. Kennedy

"The Price of Greatness is Responsibility" By Winston S. Churchill

Kamis, 02 April 2009

From "Taiyo to Umi no Kyoshitsu"


No matter what happens, there are some things you have to do.
Some things you have to protect.
That's what pride is.

To be able to hold you chest up high.
Nothing to do with money or position.
Not based on anyone's rules.
Not on superiors or teachers.
You have to ask yourself.
"Am I doing alright ?"
"Am I right ?"
"Can I be proud of who I am right now ?"
This pride leads us down the right path of life.
The future has not been decided at all yet.
You can go anywhere.
If someone wants to decide your future,
just knock them out of the way.
The future is still completely blank.
Go where you want, do what you want.
I want to be proud of myself.


You are not the only one working hard all alone.
There are a lot of people who work as hard as you.
They maybe individuals,
but they are not alone.
They may all be separated,
but they are never alone.
Even if we go our own ways,
we are never alone.

"Who are you ?"

The mysterious thing about people.
When you become adult, you forget your childlike things.
Those dreams you had when you were a child, you will forget them.
You will recite the magic words, "Can't be helped", "Society is wrong", "Everyone knows that"
There are lots of walls in your way.
When you can't climb over those walls,
You will suddenly want to use those magic words.
But when you use those words,
You will become those adults that you hate
That wall is not really a wall, it's a mirror.
A mirror reflecting who you are.
Your biggest enemy is yourself.
The you without dreams.
The you who lies.
The you who loves money.
The you worried about how you look.
The you who stands on top of others.
The you who uses up people below yourself.
The you who prays for unhappiness for others.
The you who can not say I love you.
The you who can not say that's wrong.
The you who says it's impossible and gives up.
The you who doesn't believe in others.
The you who doesn't believe in themselves.
Inside yourself, that you exists.
Looking at the mirror,
the you that you would point and laugh at.
You change how you think about yourself.
You grow up just as how you imagined you would.
No matter the times,
No matter where you are in the world,
Truly look at yourself in the mirror.
"Do you like yourself ?"
"Are you living ?"
And with no names,
no academic background or job,
no gender or nationality,
"Who are you ?"

Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

Poem For You

I need someone that I can share with
I need someone that I can be with
I need someone that can make me crazy about
I need someone that can make me don't care about anything else

I am not an angel
I am not looking for an angel
I am just an ordinary man
I am just looking for her

I don't think she's perfect
I don't think she's pretty
I do think she's perfect for me
I do think she's the one

I want her because I need her
I need her because I like her
I like her because I love her
I love her because it's you

Rabu, 25 Maret 2009

The Present

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present.

Quotes by Eleanor Roosevelt

Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

Come And Get It

Want Something ?

when you want something, what do you do ? what will you do ?
if you don't do anything, you will not get anything
you will lose something

maybe you have fear or worry that you will not get it
then you just wait and doing nothing
when the time comes, nothing's changed
then you regret that you didn't do it

so don't really think too much
just think some way and do it
then see the result later
just hoping it will come in good

at least that's what i think

Rabu, 18 Maret 2009


Menuggu keberuntungan sama saja menunggu kematian

Kaze by Dale Furutani

Selasa, 17 Maret 2009

Real or Fake ?

Am I Real or Fake ?

when someone says that you are a fake, you might get angry
you might get angry to that person or you might get angry to yourself

maybe that person just don't know who you really are
that's why you don't need to get angry (maybe a bit still fine)
you just need to proof that you are not a fake, that you are real

at least that's what i think

Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

Some Albert Einstein's Quotes

Only a life lived for others is worth living
A person starts to live when he can live outside himself
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new

Quotes by Albert Einstein

Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

Offer help

do you ever offer any help to anyone ?

it's not about yes or no, it's about helping another people
if you help another people, unconsciously that you help yourself
even that it's only give a smile
the person that get helped smiles and you feel great and you will smile too

at least that's what i think

Rabu, 04 Maret 2009

What's Your Deepest Fear ?

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others

Timo Cruz in Coach Carter