Selasa, 30 Juni 2009

Lakukan saja

suatu hal terjadi memiliki sebab dan akibat nya
suatu hal juga memiliki suatu alasan
tapi aku hanya ingin bebas
tanpa peduli sebab dan akibat
tanpa perlu alasan untuk melakukan sesuatu
melangkah sesuai kehendak hati
berjalan di jalan yg kuyakini
sehingga tidak ada penyesalan

Don't Regret

even if it didn't work out, at least you did something
that you believed it was right
do whatever you want
don't let yourself have regret

serial Wushu

Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

Angel inside Demon Form or Demon inside Angel Form

Trying to face the world with the kindness and cruelness
doing something right or something wrong
good for you or good for others
gives some you have or take others have

look good in front of people
to do something bad
look bad in front of people
to do something good

people think it's good
but it's a lie
people think it's bad
but it's for them

Angel inside Demon Form or Demon inside Angel Form ?

Jumat, 12 Juni 2009

VGA dan PSU yg mau di beli

kayanya gw mau beli :

VGA GeCube HD4770,
PSU Blue Storm II 500,

mudha2an psu nya sama listrik rumah cukup... hehehe